Since the creation of Fulwell 73, Leo has produced and exec produced multiple hours of television and numerous theatrical feature films. These titles include the likes of “Hitsville: The Motown Story” (Showtime), “Training Days” (Youtube), “I am Bolt” (Universal Pictures), “The Class of 92” (Universal Pictures), “Sunderland Till I Die” (Netflix), “Cinderella” (Sony/Columbia) and many more. A list of projects that have enjoyed commercial success across the board and critical acclaim that includes Emmys, Grammys, National Film Awards, Brit Awards, International Film Festival appearances and nominations at a number of other prestigious events.
Alongside this Leo is the Managing Partner of the Fulwell 73 group, heading up and overseeing all commercial matters both in the UK and US. His role is one that encompasses business development and growth targeted strategy, as well as the day to day running of the ever expanding Fulwell team and production slates.
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